Advice for Property Managers to Stay Updated in the Industry

There are new ideas, technology, organizations and programs in the Property Management industry that are being introduced every day. As a property manager, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends and news as it can help you improve your property while also preventing problems before they even start. Here is some advice for property managers that can keep you up-to-date.

Leaders are Readers

Blogs are one of the best ways to stay educated on news and updates. There are hundreds of experts writing about best practices and free advice that can help you along the way. Do some research on who has the most credibility and legit advice and sign up to the RSS Feed or newsletter.

Organizations and Events

Remember, you’re not alone when it comes to keeping up with new upgrades. Get involved with others in your field. Become a member of an organization or two. Start attending seminars and group training that are led by some of the top leaders in the industry. Not only does this set you up to learn more but it also helps you build your network of resources.

The Social Media Edge

Social Media is another great resource for updates and advice, especially because it’s free! Create a Twitter account and follow some of the top experts in Property Management. Watch as they post their blogs as well as Retweet other great information. Jump onto YouTube and find recorded webinars and Vloggers who share content on a weekly or even daily basis. Look for these professionals on Instagram or Facebook and see if they are doing any live streaming on these platforms. You’ll be surprised how many new ways people are using these platforms to get helpful content out to the industry.

From in-person training sessions and events to online webinars and videos, there are many great resources and advice for property managers. Just be sure to do your research on finding the true experts in the property management industry. As a result, you will be more involved with your community and continue to stay updated!

This article was written by Justin LaRocque (Marketing Communications Manager) for Planned Companies, the industry leaders in janitorial, maintenance, concierge/front desk, and security services in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Catering to both residential and commercial properties, we proudly provide services throughout New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC and San Francisco. For more information about our services, please visit our website at or call us at 888-706-8600.