
Affordable Amenities That Amp Up Your Outdoor Space

Are you fully taking advantage of your outdoor potential when it comes to amenities? You don’t need to spend a lot of money or have…

A Property Manager’s Guide to Spring Cleaning (Infographic)

Click image to expand infographic. This infographic was created by Jillian O’Connor (Marketing Communications Manager) for Planned Companies, the industry leaders in janitorial, maintenance, concierge/front desk, and…

Protect Your Property from Burglars (Infographic)

Click image to expand infographic. This infographic was created by Jillian O’Connor (Marketing Communications Manager) for Planned Companies, the industry leaders in janitorial, maintenance, concierge/front desk, and…

Promote Your Neighborhood, Promote Your Property

One of the best ways to build your business is to invest time in building your neighborhood. While this may seem counteractive, creating a community…

Pest-Proof Your Property (Infographic)

Click image to expand infographic. This infographic was created by Jillian O’Connor (Marketing Communications Manager) for Planned Companies, the industry leaders in janitorial, maintenance, concierge/front desk, and…

Picture Perfect: Photographing Your Property for Rental Ads

Long gone are the days of describing a rental unit in fifty words or less in one square inch of newspaper ad space. These days,…

Five Pointers to Help Protect Your Property

With the rise of news reports infiltrating today’s many media platforms, hearing negative news is hard to escape these days. Equipped with a heightened awareness…

Marketing Your Property to Millennials

Millennials (18-34 year olds) are one of biggest groups of renters these days; a study shows that 8 out of every 10 are renting…

2016 New Year’s Resolutions for Property Managers

You have your personal resolutions for the New Year ready to go, but have you thought about making professional resolutions as well? Making additional goals…

Characteristics of a Quality Concierge

Are you contemplating offering concierge services at your property? Or perhaps, are you questioning the quality of your current front desk personnel? Your concierge is…