Prepare Your Property For Halloween

When it comes to managing your property during this Spooky time, there are a few items that you’ll want to make sure you cover in order to prepare for all those trick or treaters (other than candy, of course). Here are a few tips on how to prepare your property for Halloween.

Lobby Prep

With children and parents walking in and out of your building, its essential to have a clean, organized lobby. Keep floor mats clear to collect any dirt or leaves that others may track in. Notify your front desk personal to stay alert and make sure they’re greeting everyone that comes and goes.

Outdoor Lighting

Depending on your properties surroundings, there may be a lot of visitors walking around your property as they travel to the next spot to trick or treat. Be sure that your sidewalks and walkways are properly lit all through the night. This will not only provide safety but may also prevent theft or unwanted intruders.


Unfortunately, there are always trouble makers who take Halloween a step too far. Having extra security scheduled for Halloween night may deter any theft or vandalism to your property. This will also put your residents mind at ease knowing that they are safe and secure.


Be sure to let your residents and guest know if there are any Halloween events going on in or around your building. This informs them in case they want to attend but also lets them know of when the Halloween night is over. Use email blasts or social media to help spread the word of any important news or information that your community should be aware of.

Reviewing some of these tips above may save you from dealing with any headaches the day after. We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween!